Source code for mini_project_1.offer_ride

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Offer a ride

The member should be able to offer rides by providing a date, the number of
seats offered, the price per seat, a luggage description, a source location,
and a destination location. The member should have the option of adding a
car number and any set of enroute locations.

import sqlite3

import pendulum

from mini_project_1.common import ShellArgumentParser, date, \
    greater_than_zero_number, price
from mini_project_1.loginsession import LoginSession

[docs]def get_offer_ride_parser() -> ShellArgumentParser: """Argparser for the :class:`.shell.MiniProjectShell` ``offer_ride`` command""" parser = ShellArgumentParser( prog="offer_ride", description="Offer a ride") # date, seats, price, luggage, source, destination, cno, enroute parser.add_argument("date", type=date, help="Date the ride should start on (eg: 1975-05-21T22:00:00)") parser.add_argument("seats", type=greater_than_zero_number, help="The number of seats offered") parser.add_argument("price", type=price, help="The amount you want per seat for the ride") parser.add_argument("luggage", help="Description of car luggage") parser.add_argument("src", help="Keyword for the start location of the ride") parser.add_argument("dst", help="Keyword for the end location of the ride") parser.add_argument("--cno", nargs='?', default=None, help="Your car number to use") parser.add_argument("--enroute", nargs='+', default=set(), help="Enroute locations to go to") return parser
[docs]def offer_ride(database: sqlite3.Connection, member: LoginSession, date: pendulum.DateTime, seats: int, price: int, luggage: str, source: str, destination: str, cno: str = None, enroute: set = set()) -> bool: """Try to add a ride to the database for the member :return: if a ride has been added (True/False) """ dbcursor = database.cursor() dbcursor.execute( "SELECT MAX(rno) " "FROM rides" ) rno = str(int(dbcursor.fetchone()[0]) + 1) try: dbcursor.execute( "INSERT INTO rides (rno, price, rdate, seats, lugDesc, src, dst, driver) VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (rno, price, date, seats, luggage, source, destination, member.get_email()) ) if cno: dbcursor.execute( "UPDATE rides " "SET cno = ? " "WHERE rno = ?", (cno, rno) ) for place in enroute: dbcursor.execute( "INSERT INTO enroute (rno, lcode) VALUES (?, ?)", (rno, place) ) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print(e) return False except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print(e) return False database.commit() return True
[docs]def check_valid_cno(dbcursor: sqlite3.Cursor, cno: int, member: LoginSession) -> bool: """Return whether a member has a car number cno in the database with cursor dbcursor""" dbcursor.execute( "SELECT cno " "FROM cars " "WHERE cno = ? AND owner = ?", (cno, member.get_email()) ) if dbcursor.fetchall(): return True return False