Source code for mini_project_1.book_member

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Book members

The member should be able to book other members on the rides they offer. 

The member should be able to select a ride and book a member for that ride
by entering the member email, the number of seats booked, the cost per seat,
and pickup and drop off location codes.

Your system should assign a unique booking number (bno) to the booking. 

Your system should give a warning if a ride is being 
overbooked (i.e. the number of seats booked exceeds the number of seats 
offered), but will allow overbooking if the member confirms it. 

After a successful booking, a proper message should be sent to the other
member that s/he is booked on the ride.

import sqlite3

from mini_project_1.common import ShellArgumentParser, \
    greater_than_zero_number, price

[docs]def get_book_member_parser() -> ShellArgumentParser: """Argparser for the :class:`.shell.MiniProjectShell` ``book_member`` command""" parser = ShellArgumentParser( prog="book_member", description="Book a member on a ride") parser.add_argument("email", help="Email of the member who will be booked on " "the ride") parser.add_argument("seats", type=greater_than_zero_number, help="The number of seats booked") parser.add_argument("price", type=price, help="The cost per seat for the ride") parser.add_argument("pickup", help="Keyword for the pickup location of the ride") parser.add_argument("dropoff", help="Keyword for the dropoff location of the ride") return parser
[docs]def book_member(database: sqlite3.Connection, rno: int, email: str, seats: int, seat_price: int, src: str, dst: str) -> bool: """Books a member on a ride and generates its booking number""" dbcursor = database.cursor() dbcursor.execute("Select MAX(bno) from bookings") bno = int(dbcursor.fetchone()[0]) + 1 try: dbcursor.execute( "INSERT into Bookings values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (bno, email, rno, seat_price, seats, src, dst) ) database.commit() print("Booking added") except sqlite3.InterfaceError: return False return True