Source code for mini_project_1.post_request

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Post a ride request

Post ride requests. The member should be able to post a ride request
by providing a date, a pick up location code, a drop off location code,
and the amount willing to pay per seat. The request rid is set by your
system to a unique number and the email is set to the email address of
the member.

import argparse
import sqlite3
from logging import getLogger

import pendulum

from mini_project_1.common import ShellArgumentParser, MINI_PROJECT_DATE_FMT

__log__ = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def price(price_string: str) -> int: """Argparser type validation function for validating a price for use in ``post_ride_request`` command""" price = int(price_string) if price < 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "invalid price: {} (please choose a non negative price)".format( price_string ) ) return price
[docs]def date(date_str: str) -> pendulum.DateTime: """Argparser type validation function for validating a date for use in ``post_ride_request`` command""" parsed_date = pendulum.parse(date_str) if parsed_date >= return parsed_date else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "invalid date: {} (please choose a date from today {} forwards)".format( date_str, ) )
[docs]def get_post_request_parser() -> ShellArgumentParser: """Argparser for the :class:`.shell.MiniProjectShell` ``post_request`` command""" parser = ShellArgumentParser( prog="post_request", description="Post a ride request") parser.add_argument("date", type=date, help="Date the ride should start on (eg: 1975-05-21T22:00:00)") parser.add_argument("pickup", help="The location code for the pickup location of " "the ride") parser.add_argument("dropoff", help="The location code for the dropoff location of " "the ride") parser.add_argument("price", type=price, help="The maximum amount you are willing to pay per " "seat for the ride") return parser
[docs]def valid_location_code(database: sqlite3.Connection, location_code_str: str) -> bool: """Validate that a location ode for use in ``post_ride_request`` command actually exists in locations""" locations = database.execute( "SELECT lcode " "FROM locations " "WHERE locations.lcode = ?", (location_code_str,) ).fetchone() if not locations: __log__.error("invalid location code: {}".format(location_code_str)) return False else: return True