Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""command shell for mini-project-1"""

import cmd
import sqlite3
from getpass import getpass
from logging import getLogger

import pendulum

from mini_project_1.book_member import get_book_member_parser, book_member
from mini_project_1.cancel_booking import get_cancel_booking_parser
from mini_project_1.common import ShellArgumentException, \
    MINI_PROJECT_DATE_FMT, get_location_id, ValueNotFoundException, \
    get_selection, send_message, check_valid_email, check_valid_lcode
from mini_project_1.delete_request import get_delete_request_parser
from mini_project_1.list_bookings import get_list_bookings_parser
from mini_project_1.list_requests import get_list_ride_requests_parser
from mini_project_1.loginsession import LoginSession
from mini_project_1.logout import get_logout_parser
from mini_project_1.register import valid_password, \
    register_member, valid_name, valid_phone, valid_email
from mini_project_1.offer_ride import get_offer_ride_parser, \
    check_valid_cno, offer_ride
from mini_project_1.post_request import get_post_request_parser, \
from mini_project_1.search_requests import \
    get_search_requests_city_parser, \
    get_search_requests_lcode_parser, print_5_and_prompt
from mini_project_1.search_rides import get_search_for_ride_parser
from mini_project_1.select_request import get_select_request_parser
from mini_project_1.show_inbox import get_show_inbox_parser

__log__ = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def logged_in(f): """Annotation to check if someone is logged in before attempting a command in the :class:`.MainProjectShell`""" def wrapper(*args): if args[0].login_session: return f(*args) else: __log__.error("you must be logged in to use this function") return wrapper
[docs]class MiniProjectShell(cmd.Cmd): """Main shell for mini-project-1""" intro = \ "Welcome to mini-project-1 shell. Type help or ? to list commands\n" prompt = "mini-project-1>" login_session: LoginSession = None def __init__(self, database: sqlite3.Connection, register_start: bool = False): """Initialize the mini-project-1 shell :param database: :class:`sqlite3.Connection` to the database to interact with the mini-project-1 shell """ super().__init__() self.database = database self.register_start = register_start
[docs] def cmdloop(self, intro=None): # start a login command at start. if self.register_start: self.do_register(None) self.do_login(None) self.do_show_inbox(None) super().cmdloop()
# =============================== # Shell command definitions # ===============================
[docs] def do_login(self, arg): """Login to the mini-project-1 database""" if self.login_session: __log__.error("already logged in") else: print("Login to mini-project-1 database:") username = str(input("username: ")) password = getpass("password: ") self.login(username, password) if not self.login_session: self.do_login(None)
[docs] @logged_in def do_logout(self, arg): """Logout from the mini-project-1 database""" parser = get_logout_parser() try: parser.parse_args(arg.split()) self.logout() except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid logout arguement")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_logout(): """Print the argparser help message for logout""" get_logout_parser().print_help()
[docs] def do_exit(self, arg): """Logout (if needed) and exit out of the mini-project-1 shell""" if self.login_session: self.logout()"exiting mini-project-1 shell") self.database.close() return True
[docs] @logged_in def do_show_inbox(self, arg): """View all unseen (seen="n") inbox messages related to the currently logged in email Set all viewed messages as seen="y" """ parser = get_show_inbox_parser() try: # view all messages within your inbox inbox_items = self.database.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT email, msgTimestamp, sender, content, rno, seen " "FROM inbox " "WHERE = ? AND inbox.seen = 'n'", (self.login_session.get_email(),) ).fetchall() if inbox_items: print("Your inbox:") for inbox_item in inbox_items: print(inbox_item) # set all messages within your inbox as seen="y" self.database.execute( "UPDATE inbox " "SET seen='y' " "WHERE = ?", (self.login_session.get_email(),) ) self.database.commit() else: print("No new messages") except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid show_inbox argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_show_inbox(): """Print the argparser help message for show_inbox""" get_show_inbox_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_offer_ride(self, arg): """Offer a ride""" dbcursor = self.database.cursor() parser = get_offer_ride_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) try: source = \ get_location_id(dbcursor, args.src, "Choose a source: ") destination = \ get_location_id(dbcursor, args.dst, "Choose a destination: ") except ValueNotFoundException as e: print(e) raise ShellArgumentException enroute = set() for place in args.enroute: try: enroute.add(get_location_id(dbcursor, place, "Which place did you want to add? ")) except ValueNotFoundException as e: print(e) if not check_valid_cno(dbcursor, args.cno, self.login_session): args.cno = None if offer_ride(self.database, self.login_session,, args.seats, args.price, args.luggage, source, destination, args.cno, enroute): print("Added ride") else: print("Could not add ride") except ShellArgumentException: __log__.error("invalid offer_ride argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_offer_ride(): """Print the argparser help message for offer_ride""" get_offer_ride_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_search_rides(self, arg): """Search for ride""" dbcursor = self.database.cursor() parser = get_search_for_ride_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) search_conditions = "(l1.lcode LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR l1.prov LIKE ? OR l1.address LIKE ? OR " + \ "l2.lcode LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR l2.prov LIKE ? OR l2.address LIKE ? OR " + \ "l3.lcode LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR l3.prov LIKE ? OR l3.address LIKE ?)" # setup query conditions for one term search_string = search_conditions search_vars = (args.term1, '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%', args.term1, '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%', args.term1, '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%', '%'+args.term1+'%') # add query conditions for the second term if supplied if args.term2: search_string = search_string + " AND " + search_conditions more_search_vars = (args.term2, '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%', args.term2, '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%', args.term2, '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%', '%'+args.term2+'%') search_vars = search_vars + more_search_vars # add query conditions for the third term if supplied if args.term3: search_string = search_string + " AND " + search_conditions more_search_vars = (args.term3, '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%', args.term3, '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%', args.term3, '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%', '%'+args.term3+'%') search_vars = search_vars + more_search_vars query = "SELECT r.* " + \ "FROM locations l1, locations l2, rides r " + \ "LEFT JOIN enroute en on en.rno = r.rno " + \ "LEFT JOIN locations l3 on en.lcode = l3.lcode " + \ "WHERE l1.lcode = r.src AND l2.lcode = r.dst AND "+search_string+";" dbcursor.execute(query, search_vars) results = dbcursor.fetchall() # display matching if len(results): selection = get_selection(results) # message the posting ride member if selection: send_message( self.database, selection[7], self.login_session.get_email(), "I want to book seats on this ride", selection[0] ) print("Message sent to driver") else: print("No results") except ShellArgumentException: __log__.error("invalid search_rides argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_search_rides(): """Print the argparser help message for search_rides""" get_search_for_ride_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_list_bookings(self, arg): """List all the bookings that the user offers""" parser = get_list_bookings_parser() try: parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur = self.database.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT bookings.* ' 'FROM bookings, rides ' 'WHERE rides.driver = ? ' 'AND rides.rno = bookings.rno;', (self.login_session.get_email(),) ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid list_bookings argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_list_bookings(): """Print the argparser help message for list_bookings""" get_list_bookings_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_book_member(self, arg): """Book other members on a ride""" parser = get_book_member_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) # ensure valid inputs if not check_valid_lcode(self.database, args.pickup): print("Pickup locde not valid") raise ShellArgumentException if not check_valid_lcode(self.database, args.dropoff): print("Dropoff locde not valid") raise ShellArgumentException if not check_valid_email(self.database, print("Email not valid") raise ShellArgumentException # list my rides cur = self.database.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT * ' 'FROM rides ' 'WHERE rides.driver = ?;', (self.login_session.get_email(),) ) rows = cur.fetchall() ride = get_selection(rows, "Enter the row number for the ride: ") rno = ride[0] seats_available = ride[3] # check how many seats booked cur.execute( 'SELECT sum(seats) ' 'FROM bookings ' 'WHERE bookings.rno = ?;', (rno,) ) seats_taken = cur.fetchone() if not seats_taken: seats_taken = 0 else: seats_taken = seats_taken[0] # book seats if available or user accepts overbooking if seats_available < seats_taken + args.seats: if str(input("Warning: ride will be overbooked. Continue: [y] or [n]") == 'y'): book_member(self.database, rno,, args.seats, args.price, args.pickup, args.dropoff) send_message(self.database,, self.login_session.get_email(), "I have booked you on a ride", rno) else: book_member(self.database, rno,, args.seats, args.price, args.pickup, args.dropoff) send_message(self.database,, self.login_session.get_email(), "I have booked you on a ride", rno) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.error("invalid book_member argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_book_member(): """Print the argparser help message for book_member""" get_search_for_ride_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_cancel_booking(self, arg): """Cancel a booking""" cur = self.database.cursor() parser = get_cancel_booking_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur.execute( "SELECT bookings.* " "FROM bookings, rides " "WHERE bookings.bno = ? " "AND rides.driver = ? " "AND bookings.rno = rides.rno", (args.bno, self.login_session.get_email(),) ) to_delete = cur.fetchone() if not to_delete: print("You don't have a booking where bno={}".format(args.bno)) print("Your bookings:") self.do_list_bookings("") return cur.execute( "DELETE FROM bookings " "WHERE EXISTS(" "SELECT * " "FROM bookings b2, rides " "WHERE b2.bno = ?" "AND bookings.bno = b2.bno " "AND rides.driver = ?" "AND b2.rno = rides.rno)", (args.bno, self.login_session.get_email(),) ) self.database.commit() print("Successfully deleted:\n{}".format(to_delete)) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO inbox VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (to_delete[1],, self.login_session.get_email(), "Your booking has been cancelled.", to_delete[2], "n") ) self.database.commit() print("Successfully sent cancellation message to {}." .format(to_delete[1])) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid cancel_booking argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_cancel_booking(): """Print the argparser help message for cancel_booking""" get_cancel_booking_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_post_request(self, arg): """Post a ride request""" parser = get_post_request_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) # generate a new rid max_rid = self.database.execute( "select max(r.rid) from requests r").fetchone()[0] if not max_rid: max_rid = 0 rid = 1 + int(max_rid) # validate the given location codes if not valid_location_code(self.database, args.pickup): raise ShellArgumentException( "invalid location code: {}".format(args.pickup)) if not valid_location_code(self.database, args.dropoff): raise ShellArgumentException( "invalid location code: {}".format(args.dropoff)) # create and insert the new ride request self.database.execute( "INSERT INTO requests VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (rid, self.login_session.get_email(),, args.pickup, args.dropoff, args.price) ) self.database.commit() except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid post_ride_request argument") else: "successfully posted ride request: " "rid: {} email: {} date: {} pickup: {} dropoff: {} price: {}" "".format( rid, self.login_session.get_email(),, args.pickup, args.dropoff, args.price ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def help_post_request(): """Print the argparser help message for post_request""" get_post_request_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_list_requests(self, arg): """List all the user's ride requests""" parser = get_list_ride_requests_parser() try: parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur = self.database.cursor() cur.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT * ' 'FROM requests ' 'WHERE email = ?', (self.login_session.get_email().lower(),) ) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid list_requests argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_list_requests(): """Print the argparser help message for list_requests""" get_list_ride_requests_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_search_requests_lcode(self, arg): """Search for a ride request by location number""" cur = self.database.cursor() parser = get_search_requests_lcode_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT requests.* ' 'FROM requests ' 'WHERE pickup like ?', (args.lcode,) ) rows = cur.fetchall() print_5_and_prompt(rows) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_search_requests_lcode(): """Print the argparser help message for searching ride requests by location code""" get_search_requests_lcode_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_search_requests_city(self, arg): """Search for a ride quest by city name""" cur = self.database.cursor() parser = get_search_requests_city_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT requests.* ' 'FROM requests, locations ' 'WHERE requests.pickup = locations.lcode ' 'AND LIKE ?', (,) ) rows = cur.fetchall() print_5_and_prompt(rows) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_search_requests_city(): """Print the argparser help message for searching ride requests by city name""" get_search_requests_city_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_delete_request(self, arg): """Delete a ride request""" cur = self.database.cursor() parser = get_delete_request_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT * " "FROM requests " "WHERE rid = ? AND email = ?", (args.rid, self.login_session.get_email(),) ) to_delete = cur.fetchall() if len(to_delete) == 0: print("You don't have a ride request where rid={}" .format(args.rid)) print("Your requests:") self.do_list_requests("") return cur.execute( "DELETE " "FROM requests " "WHERE rid = ? AND email = ?", (args.rid, self.login_session.get_email(),) ) self.database.commit() print("Successfully deleted:\n{}".format(to_delete)) except ShellArgumentException: __log__.exception("invalid argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_delete_request(): """Print the argparser help message for deleting a ride request""" get_delete_request_parser().print_help()
[docs] @logged_in def do_select_request(self, arg): # TODO make testable """Select a ride request and perform actions""" cur = self.database.cursor() parser = get_select_request_parser() try: args = parser.parse_args(arg.split()) cur.execute( "SELECT * " "FROM requests " "WHERE rid = ?", (args.rid,) ) selected = cur.fetchone() if selected is None: print("There is no ride request with rid={}".format(args.rid)) return print("You have selected: {}".format(selected)) while True: response = \ input("Would you like to message the poster? [y|n]\n") if response == "y": message = input("Your message: ") cur.execute( "SELECT email " "FROM requests " "WHERE rid = ?", (args.rid,) ) poster = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute( "INSERT INTO inbox VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (poster,, self.login_session.get_email(), message, None, "n") ) self.database.commit() print("Successfully sent message to {}".format(poster)) break elif response == "n": break except ShellArgumentException: __log__.error("invalid argument")
[docs] @staticmethod def help_select_request(): """Print the argparser help message for selecting a ride request""" get_select_request_parser().print_help()
[docs] def do_register(self, arg): """Register a new member to the mini-project-1 database""" # get a valid email print("Starting member registration wizard:") while True: email_str = input("email: ") if valid_email(self.database, email_str): email_str = valid_email(self.database, email_str) break # get valid name while True: name_str = input("name: ") if valid_name(name_str): break # get valid phone while True: phone_str = input("phone: ") if valid_phone(phone_str): phone_str = valid_phone(phone_str) break # get valid password while True: password1 = getpass("password: ") if not valid_password(password1): continue password2 = getpass("validate password: ") if password1 != password2: print("passwords do not match") continue else: break # finally register the new user register_member( self.database, email_str, name_str, phone_str, password1)
# =============================== # Shell functionality definitions # ===============================
[docs] @logged_in def logout(self): """Logout method Set the shell's ``login_session`` to :obj:`None`. """ email = self.login_session.get_email() self.login_session = None"logged out user: {}".format(email))
[docs] def login(self, email: str, password: str): """Login method Check if a :class:`LoginSession` already exists for the shell if not attempt to login with the given email and password. If the login attempt is successful set the shell's ``login_session`` to the newly created :class:`.loginsession.LoginSession`. """ if self.login_session: __log__.error("already logged in as user: {}".format( self.login_session.get_email())) else: user_hit = self.database.execute( "SELECT email, pwd " "FROM members " "WHERE email = ? AND pwd = ?", (email.lower(), password) ).fetchone() if user_hit: self.login_session = LoginSession(user_hit[0], user_hit[1])"logged in user: {}".format(user_hit[0])) else: __log__.warning("invalid login: bad username/password")